Are Hangover Pills Worth the Hype?

can alcoholism really be cured with a pill

If you are taking Antabuse, carry a card with you that describes what will happen if you drink alcohol. The card should have the name and phone number of a healthcare provider to contact in an emergency. This toxic substance is what causes many of the hangover symptoms that come on after heavy drinking. Usually, your body will break acetaldehyde down into a harmless substance called acetic acid.

Diabetes Medications

Enter your phone number below to receive a free and confidential call from a treatment provider. This summary was prepared by the John M. Eisenberg Center for Clinical Decisions and Communications Science at Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX. It was written by Amelia Williamson Smith, can alcoholism be cured M.S., Thomas Kosten, M.D., and Michael Fordis, M.D. People with alcohol use disorder reviewed this summary. Alcohol use disorder can be mild to severe, depending on the number of symptoms a person has. There is support available for people who are experiencing difficulties with alcohol use.

Understanding Your Condition

This article explores medications for AUD in further detail, including how they can help someone with AUD and a list of medications. It also discusses the benefits and risks of these medications, other treatments, when to speak with a doctor about drinking, and resources for people with AUD. If you have alcohol use disorder, medication may help you stop drinking while you take it.

can alcoholism really be cured with a pill

Mental Health Medications That Interact With Alcohol

can alcoholism really be cured with a pill

The dangers of mixing alcohol with medications can range from increased side effects to potentially life-threatening symptoms, overdose, and even death. However, even medications that don’t require a prescription can be unsafe when mixed with alcohol. Certain types of anti-nausea medication can be used to help someone who is trying to stop drinking alcohol. When used under medical supervision, the combination can be an effective way to treat alcohol withdrawal.

can alcoholism really be cured with a pill

Excessive alcohol use or alcohol addiction can hold you back from living the life you want to live. However, with proper treatment, many people recover from alcohol use disorder. Treatment approaches often involve a combination of medications and nonpharmacological options.

  • Some of these medications have been around for decades, but fewer than 10% of the people who could benefit from them use them.
  • The only medication that intentionally makes you feel ill from drinking alcohol is disulfiram, also known as Antabuse.
  • This is mainly because the study was small, and only had participants who were Caucasian and assigned male at birth.
  • When someone drinks alcohol while taking Antabuse, the high level of acetaldehyde in their body triggers a very unpleasant reaction.
  • For a direct comparison of the different medications, see our chart below.
  • Some drugs (often antihistamines) used to prevent and treat motion sickness can also be purchased over-the-counter.
  • You doctor also can refer you to a treatment center or experts who can help.
  • Medications used to treat insomnia or help you fall and stay asleep should never be mixed with alcohol.
  • Some research has found that alcohol does not appear to worsen liver inflammation in certain people who take medication for their cholesterol.
  • The effects of Antabuse start about 10 minutes after alcohol enters the body and can last for an hour or longer.

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When to contact a doctor about drinking

How well do you score on brain health?

can alcoholism really be cured with a pill
